Powered by Massively: DELISSIO® has a bot that will answer your pizza questions
Massively + DELISSIO® = the perfect companion for your pizza nights. Customer service plus customer engagement. Check out what others are saying about our bot for Nestle in the Financial Post....
Podcast: Chatbots and the Future of Brand Conversations
A Massively conversation with a human: the Canadian Marketing Association’s Digital Marketing Council sits down with Russell Ward, President of Massively, to talk about the role of chatbots in marketing. Click here for the full podcast. ...
To promote new comedy ‘Powerless,’ NBC turns to chat platform Kik
NBC’s new show ‘Powerless’ is different – it is the first comedy series set in the DC universe – and because of that, the network is taking a different marketing approach to promote the show. Eschewing the usual social TV channels of Facebook, Twitter, and...
Why films like ‘Office Christmas Party’ are deploying chatbots
During SXSW 2015, many Tinder users matched with a woman they assumed was real. They had conversations her, which seemed to flow naturally. But she was a chatbot, promoting the Alex Garland film Ex Machina. Some who fell for it called it deceptive, but it also opened...
Massively activates Twitter’s new business features with WeatherNetwork chatbot
Canadian-based bot maker Massively is launching its first automated conversational experience on Twitter with a chatbot created for The Weather Network. Massively and The Weather Network are beta participants for the launch of two brand new Twitter features — quick replies and welcome messages using...